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Banner Image:   TPC Banner 2021 Retreat Persnl
Banner Text:   Personal Retreat

A Guide for a Personal Retreat day

Step 1. Create the time and make any necessary arrangements to protect this time from distractions and work. 

Step 2: Find a quiet setting where you can spend time alone with God. You could go to a retreat centre or a monastery that welcomes visitors. You may simply choose to spend a day outdoors in nature or in a quiet place in your home. 

The following is a suggested schedule for a retreat day.  You can use this in whatever way you wish, whether that be a whole day or a couple of hours. 

8am - Morning Prayer  

Choose a way of prayer that is familiar and comforting or new and inviting. This is the worshipful beginning of a day spent in solitude and silence with God`s word.

9am - Read and meditate on scripture

Take time to pause and pay attention to any word where God may be speaking to you.

11am - Journal

Write about your thoughts and response to what you have read, pray and speak with God about them.

12am - Lunch 

Take your time there is no need to hurry through this meal, take a walk and reflect on the day so far. 

1pm - Rest

Have a nap, read a chapter of a book, or a Psalm, relax and enjoy the moment.

2pm - Reflections

As you reflect, notice any desires of your soul that emerge. How have you experienced God`s presence today? 

3pm - Review

Write down your reflections and other thoughts. Ask God if there is anything else he would like to say to you? Express your gratitude to God for time spent together and for his sustaining love throughout the day. 

4pm - Depart in peace.